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Tuesday, March 1

182nd Day - My 365 Days

182nd Day: 

Processional March for ending 41 years of service...

It was like a graduation. We were having a processional march going to the stage for Mama's retirement party. At last, she will be retiring from being an educator for 41 years. I can see that mama was really happy at that moment even though she don't want to retire because she has nothing to do when June comes. But mandated by law, she need to retire because she is turning 65 years old this April.

 There are other retirees from their district. Just like mama they have reach the age that they need to retire and leave their profession. The picture above was taken at the venue where Mama's co-teachers prepared.
This picture was after the program. She was surrounded by her friends and co-teachers in this picture,

Congratulations Ma. Finally, you can enjoy sleeping anytime you want and waking up anytime you want. Its time that you rest and we will be the one who will take care of you.

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