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Friday, August 27

Re: 1st Day - 365 Days

My attempt to apply for the examination for the Civil Service was a dismay. I called the regional office and they are not accepting any applications anymore. Then I called where is the nearest office I can apply and only to find out it will be in Region 4.

I called the Region 4 head office and I'm happy to hear that they will still accept applications until September 1. Then I asked them where to pass the application and the operator gave me the location and landmark.

Then I asked some friends who knew the area and I found out that it's quite far from where I am located now. I might not able to pass it on time. And up to now I'm still thinking if I will be applying in Region 4 or I will wait for the next scheduled examination.

If I will wait again, I might transfer again to another place and I will soon forget again. I planned this when I was staying in Cubao, then I moved to Gensan, then I planned again. Then I moved to Davao, I planned again until now I'm here in Alabang. I remember it always on the last minute.


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