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Wednesday, April 15

Moving On....?

Moving on is really hard when you are still in the situation and when you always think that you want to move on. But when you leave it and wait for the time when it becomes a memory, then I think before you knew it you’re smiling to the worst feeling you felt at that moment.

A friend of mine was almost two weeks in her crying moment. I feel bad for her because I know no words can take away her pain. Heartaches from a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship are normal and what she feels I think is normal. I’ve been through with that and maybe all the other human being who fell in love also.

It is like your heart is being crumpled deep inside and everytime you are alone all you can think was being with that person and then you just realized you start crying again. I think everybody felt this one. And I think my friend feel the same way too.

I do not know how to comfort her and let her understand that everything will just pass through. She is still in the stage of confusion and I think accepting also that it is the reality. All I can do is listen to her. Even though how much I gave her example how I move on, it doesn’t make sense at all. She believes in happy ending, that they will be together in the end. But there could be another ending and not all are like fairy tales.

While comforting her, I tried to reminisce what I actually did when I was in her situation. I could not even remember that I cried because I and my boyfriend broke up. All that I can remember was that the night before we broke up, we were texting and conversing to the point that I think we were arguing. Then I slept without saying goodnight and the next day I woke up like nothing happened but I knew we were over. Hahaha… very silly isn’t it? Yes, it is silly coz’ I ended up my almost 6-years relationship. I ended up by sleeping and not by saying “goodbye, we are over.”

Now, that I have a friend who shares the same feeling of what I have felt before and she’s asking me how I moved on. I told her, “I don’t know. All I can remember was that I felt like I was standing in the floor of pain for months/year and just like ordinary day, I felt normal. No more crumpled heart that makes my heart aching.”

I could never remember I cried for that break-up. All I can remember was that I was always spending my painful months going mountain climbing, trekking and anything outdoor activities. Good thing I did that. I met a lot of people and I find peace in my heart seeing the green horizon and the wide sky that calms my heart and mind.

Life itself is a moving on process like how I see the wide sky above; clouds are changing time to time. For me it signifies how time moves and how should life be enjoyed whether it is painful or happiness.

I never think that I should move on instead I enjoy the feeling of being in that painful part and I just knew it that for awhile that I’ve been enjoying that pain, I was no longer feeling painful instead I become happy.

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